TS. Nguyễn Kim Anh
Các công trình khoa học tiêu biểu
Nguyen, D.D., Nguyen M. P., Le. V. A., Le, M.H., Nguyen, K. A. Monitoring oil spill at the sea using microwave remote sensing. Science and Technics Publishing House 2011, ISBN 211079 B00.
Nguyen, D.D., Nguyen M. P., Le. V. A., Le., Ho, L.T., Tran A.T., Nguyen, K. A., Marit Almvik, Ole Martin Eklo, Nina Svae Johansen, Einar Nordhus, Hans J. Overgaard. Pesticides, Agriculture and Health in Vietnam. Bioforsk Plant Health and Plant Protection 2009, Vol. 4 No. 105, 2009. ISSN: 978-82-17-00530-8ol. 4 No. 105, 2009. ISSN: 978-82-17-00530-8.
Bài báo:
Nguyen, K.A., Pham, T.D. Preliminary Study on relationship between Environmental Factors and Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Vietnam using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. International Journal of Pharmacology and Biological sciences 2013, ISSN 0973-6808, Volume 7 No 3.
Nguyen, D.D., Ho, L.T., Le, V.A., and Nguyen, K.A. Oil pollution in Vietnam and neighboring Sea. Journal of Sciences of the Earth 2013, Vol 4, ISSN 0886-7187.
Dang, N.C., and Nguyen, K.A. GIS capabilities in the assessment of environmental quality in mining areas. The conference on Mining Science and technology, SaPa, Vietnam; Journal of Science and Technology of Mining and Geology 2007, Vol 19, No. 9, July.
Conference Papers
Nguyen, K.A., Liou, Y.A., Li., M.H. Integrating Remote Sensing, GIS, and AHP to Assess Eco-environmental Vulnerability for the Hue Province, Vietnam. The Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Energy, Sustainability, and the Environment 2015, June 11-14, Kobe, Japan.
Nguyen, K.A., Liou, Y.A, Li, M.H. Zoning ecological vulnerability for environmental management and protection toward sustainable development by using Geo-information. International Conference on Earth Observations and Social Impacts (ICEO&SI) 2015, June 28-30, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Liou, Y.A., Nguyen, K.A., Li, M.H., Lin, C.Y. Landsat 8 operational land imager derived variables for environmental risk assessment in Taoyuan 2015, July 26-31, International Geoscience, and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2015).
Nguyen, D.D., Le, V.A., Ho, L.T., and Nguyen, K.A. Spectral signatures in Landsat 8 OLI image and their interpretation for land cover study. Proceedings of the 35 Asian conference on Remote Sensing 2014, October 27-31, Nay Pyl Taw, Myanmar.
Nguyen, D.D., Le, V.A., Ho, L.T., and Nguyen, K.A. Integrating multispectral pixel based and object-based classification in industrial tree mapping using satellite imagery. Proceedings of the conference on Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014, July, ISBN: 978-604-904-255-3.
Nguyen, D. D., Le, M. H., Nguyen, K. A., Le, V. A. Monitoring of oil spill by SAR image. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Geoinformation for Disaster Management, Hanoi, Vietnam 2013, December 11-14, ISBN 978-604-913-173-8.
Nguyen, K.A., Vivarad, P., Vo, C.M., Nguyen, D.D and Pham, T.D. Environmental Hazard Mapping using GIS and AHP - A Case Study of Dong Trieu District in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth 2013, August 26-29, Sarawak, Malaysia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 18 (2014) 012045 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/18/1/012045.
Pham, T.D., Nguyen, K.A., Yoshino, K. Mapping Wetland Cover Types Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, Proceedings of Proceedings of the on Advanced in Earth Sciences 2013, December 27-28, Jeju Island, Korea, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences ISSN 2160-066X Volume 2, doi.10.5729/lnes.vol2.66.
Nguyen, D.D., Le, V.A., Ho, L.T., and Nguyen, K.A. Oil pollution at Vietnam and East Sea. Proceeding s of the 2nd National-wide Conference on Marine Geology. 2013, October 10-11, Hanoi, Vietnam. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.
Nguyen, K.A., and Nguyen, D.D. Development of database for marine oil pollution study. Proceedings f-rom the Sixth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, Texas, United States America 2012, June 25-29, Vol 2, ISBN 9780976885344.
Nguyen, K.A., and Nguyen, DD. Methodology for building database server studying oil pollution on the sea; Proceedings of the conference on Mining Science and technology 2011, Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Nguyen, D.D., Ho, L.T., Tran A.T., and Nguyen, K.A. A preliminary results of using ALOS PALSAR emergency observation for study of November 2008 floods in Red river delta 2008, 9-11 December, APRSAF 15 Hanoi.
Khả năng ứng dụng GIS trong công tác đánh giá chất lượng môi trường tại vùng mỏ, Tuyển tập báo cáo - Hội Khoa học và công nghệ mỏ Việt Nam ; 2007/Số 00 . 108-112, Tạp chí Khoa học kỹ thuật Mỏ - Địa chất.